How exactly do those lyrics from Colin Hay's song describe exactly how i feel? Let's do a simple line-by-line analysis.
I drink good coffee every morningThat would simply mean I actually enjoy life! Strange isn't it? How can somebody like me possibly enjoy life?
Comes from a place that’s far awayEsoteric experiences, eclectic tastes and abstruse ideas i guess...
And when I’m done I feel like talkingAnd of course, it is human nature (i'm human) to want to share how we experience our lives.
Without you here there is less to sayThe reason why i am seen to be so quiet is because i realized quite some time ago that people just don't get what I try to say. Or they don't see the point of getting so excited over the things i get excited about. Now that's not entirely true, i say and share many different things to and with many different people. But such narrow bandwidth! As such my messages are robbed of context. The reason why I see as beautiful the things I see as beautiful is in large part the way I see the world. Most of what i try to say thus is misquoted... So remember, i'm not incoherent, you are just not properly tuned in.
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