Thursday, May 24, 2007


How exactly do those lyrics from Colin Hay's song describe exactly how i feel? Let's do a simple line-by-line analysis.
I drink good coffee every morning
That would simply mean I actually enjoy life! Strange isn't it? How can somebody like me possibly enjoy life?
Comes from a place that’s far away
Esoteric experiences, eclectic tastes and abstruse ideas i guess...
And when I’m done I feel like talking
And of course, it is human nature (i'm human) to want to share how we experience our lives.
Without you here there is less to say
The reason why i am seen to be so quiet is because i realized quite some time ago that people just don't get what I try to say. Or they don't see the point of getting so excited over the things i get excited about. Now that's not entirely true, i say and share many different things to and with many different people. But such narrow bandwidth! As such my messages are robbed of context. The reason why I see as beautiful the things I see as beautiful is in large part the way I see the world. Most of what i try to say thus is misquoted... So remember, i'm not incoherent, you are just not properly tuned in.
