Sunday, August 28, 2005

a past email...

On 6/30/05, armani fuschia wrote:

>> anti peter wrote:
>>> > On 6/27/05, armani fuschia wrote:
>>> >
>>>> >>sark studying tips currently has three suscribers
>>>> >>whoever who wants to suscribe MUST send an email with the subject 'GIVE
>>>> >>ME SARK SHIT' to
>>>> >>
>>>> >>anti peter wrote:
>>>> >>
>>>>> >>>On 6/26/05, armani fuschia wrote:
>>>>> >>>
>>>>> >>>
>>>>>> >>>>limp bizkit wrote:
>>>>>> >>>>
>>>>>> >>>>
>>>>>>> >>>>>even when i read an article on computer i feel so nervous.cuz not much
>>>>>>> >>>>>time offered for me to spend on living in a different
>>>>>>> >>>>>environment from you,my friend.
>>>>>> >>>>
>>>>>> >>>>hello i understand your situation
>>>>>> >>>>and i want to give you a few tips
>>>>>> >>>>
>>>>>> >>>>first of all dont memorize
>>>>>> >>>>do not read then recite, repeat, repeat ad infinitum
>>>>>> >>>>it is useless
>>>>>> >>>>i'm beginning to read up some books about cognitive science
>>>>>> >>>>well i have some kind of theory
>>>>>> >>>>i think we remember things properly only when it is related to something
>>>>>> >>>>else in any certain way
>>>>>> >>>>
>>>>>> >>>>so i suggest reading without any attempt to remember at all, the entire
>>>>>> >>>>textbook
>>>>>> >>>>of course you must understand what you are reading
>>>>>> >>>>the point is to get some kind of 'map' of the subject you are studying
>>>>>> >>>>then when you to really study, you can kinda fit in the info into your 'map'
>>>>>> >>>>at all times, relate info with other info with other info...
>>>>>> >>>>the more 'links' you establish for your infos, the better you will remember
>>>>>> >>>>and because you remember infos in relation with each other you actually
>>>>>> >>>>use up less memory than those who memorize rote
>>>>>> >>>>it is something like joint stereo mp3 encoding (damn it, i know it's
>>>>>> >>>>not a good example)
>>>>> >>>
>>>>> >>>how to link it???
>>>> >>
>>>> >>relate it to other infos
>>>> >>in order to do it you must truly understand what you are learning
>>>> >>another thing is to identify the 'axioms'(to use a mathematical analogy,
>>>> >>it means something that is most fundamental it is used as a basis to
>>>> >>other more advanced stuff) of the topic you are learning
>>>> >>and not only the mechanical means to solutions
>>>> >>for example, with electromagnetism you have (at our level) that the
>>>> >>-magnetic lines of force flows from the north to the south pole of magnets
>>>> >>-and also when current is flowing towards you, the magnetic lines of
>>>> >>force it generates are anticlockwise around the wire
>>> >
>>> > why must anti-clockwise??
>> excuse me, did i not say it is not really fundamental, but only
>> fundamental in the topic?

i still dun understand

>>> >
>>>> >>-and also that magnetic lines of force reinforce when in the same
>>>> >>direction(stronger)
>>>> >>-and also nature always tends to equilibrium( a gradient(kecerunan) in a
>>>> >>magnetic field cause the wire to move into the area where the magnetic
>>>> >>lines of force are lessed 'compressed' (close together))
>>>> >>it is not fundamental in physics, it is just fundamental in the topic
>>>> >>you are studying
>>>> >>that means it is fundamental in a sense that it is not DERIVED from
>>>> >>other more basic stuff, and also it is also a basis for other things you
>>>> >>learn in the topic
>>>> >>take our electromagnetism example, in the topic you learn about a live
>>>> >>wire moving when put into a magnetic field
>>>> >>you are also taught 'tangan kiri/kanan Fleming'
>>>> >>this 'tangan kiri/kanan Fleming' is used to solve problems such as the
>>>> >>wire in the magnetic field
>>>> >>this 'tangan kiri/kanan Fleming' is just a TOOL, it is DERIVED from the
>>>> >>fundamentals of the topic which we have outlined earlier
>>>> >>it is an INTERMEDiATE STEP between the FUNDAMENTAL and the PROBLEM
>>>> >>that is used to solve for
>>>> >>you can also work out the direction in which the wire will move by using
>>>> >>the FUNDAMENTALS (this is something like multiplication which is numbers
>>>> >>added together for a specified number of times, fpr example 3 x 3 is the
>>>> >>same as 3 + 3 +3 , that is 3, 3 times, or 3 times 3, that is essentially
>>>> >>what multiplication means)
>>>> >>now when you use a TOOL you are successful if you know how to USE it
>>>> >>you dont have to know how it WORKS
>>>> >>now you see the problem is sometimes, people use the tool so much the
>>>> >>forgot the fundamentals
>>>> >>now you see how important are LINKs dont you
>>>> >>you see somebody who only learns hos to USE the tool remembers the USAGE
>>>> >>of the tool and the FUNDAMENTELs of the topic SEPARATELY
>>>> >>therefore that somebody use more memory storage space and cant remember
>>>> >>them so well like a person who LINKS the stuff together can
>>>> >>GET IT???
>>>> >>
>>>> >>coming up next is more effective ways to remember
>>>> >>(i'll give you guys a rest, but you all must really learn how to read more)
>>>> >>pls dont be selfish and use this tips only for yourself,
>>>> >>if you find it useful pass it around...
>>>> >>
>>>> >>
>>>>>> >>>>ok wait till i consolidate my thoughts properly
>>>>>> >>>>pls wait
>>>>>> >>>>more tips to come...
>>>>>> >>>>
>>>>>> >>>>good luck for your spm
>>>>>> >>>>
>>>> >>
>>>> >>
>>>> >>

Friday, August 05, 2005


ok, you see i havent tried many browsers
i think i can list them right now...
iexplore, netscape, mozilla, opera, konqueror, galeon, epiphany,...all those linux browsers
i havent tried them in depth, but i think i have a good eye for what is truly good
i dont know since when i used opera, but i thought it was very good
and i am still using it now
to explain to internet explorer users why opera is so good is hard, because they simply dont know what they are missing...
anyway i was reading and guess what he recommends opera!!!

one of the main reasons i use opera is because it is the best for research...
for multimedia, i.e. flash, java..., i use firefox...

Thursday, August 04, 2005

the goodness of spam

i have made an amazing discovery!!!
...that there is goodness in spam
(note that his only applies to spam from your friends or their friends' friends or their friends' friends' friends...)
ok you see, some of your friends are very crazy, they send mass email...
so if you check who they send to...
you have a wealth of msn contacts!!! (does yahoo chat use email address as contact?)
so spam is good after all!!!
ah life is great
you only have to find the good in the bad...

Wednesday, August 03, 2005

dual monitor

check out my dual monitor configuration...

erm... disregard the mess

Tuesday, August 02, 2005

ut lags on my laptop...

...yet as you can see on the topleft of this screenshot that at full settings, the framerate is healthy?
it pauses when moving to different parts of tokara_forest(large map)
while in serpentine there are no pauses at all
so i think the answer is the 64mb vram of the x700

(so far only tokara_forest lag)